
Pat Fish (The Jazz Butcher) - Black Raoul

Pat Fish,better known as The Jazz Butcher,died at the age of 64. To give the news was the guitarist Max Eider, who writes: "I am very sad to announce that my old friend Pat Fish died suddenly but serenely on Tuesday pokmeriggio. Pat has shaken my world in every way and his death leaves a big hole in my life and memories, much of which have only been stored in his outsized brain. Goodbye friend and thank you for everything. I will miss you." In addition, website operator David Whittemore has set up a memorial where fans can pay tribute to him. In his last post, published on the day of his death, the artist reassured fans about the concert he was supposed to hold on Sunday, October 3, postponed for unspecified health problems. Patrick Huntrods, this is the real name of Pat Fish, had started the project The Jazz Butcher in 1982, releasing the first album In Bath Of Bacon a year later. The last release, the single All The Saints,dates back to 2016.

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