
Drew McDowall - Hypnotic Congress

DREW MCDOWALL (UK, EX -COIL) In the early 80s Drew McDowall came from his homeland Scotland to London and quickly sank in a movement which was later described in a famous book England Hidden Reverse. Previously active in postpunk underground, Drew was continuously present on the scene, since the cultural revolution initiated by Throbbing Gristle, further developed by Psychic TV and Current 93. His surname can surely be associated with Rose McDowall – an expressive vocalist of ultra sweet pop duo Strawberry Switchblade. His ex-wife's voice is well known from unforgettable songs of Death In June, Current 93 or Sorrow. In the 80s and 90s Drew McDowall collaborated closely with Coil. He was present while creating, recording the legendary tracks and he participated in the non-musical passions of the departed musicians. He co-produced the classic albums of Coil, as well as their epic collaborations, with which Peter Sleazy Christopherson and John Balance added a finishing touch to their legendary venture. For nearly 20 years Drew McDowall has been in New York, where he continues work among sound artists of new experimental scene, post – post - post industrial etc. His solo albums Collapse and Unnatural Chanel were released by NY based label Dais Records.

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