
Dinosaur Sex (Full Version)

Family Fodder, the project of Alig "Fodder" Pearce fronted by Dominique Levillain, played comic party music that evokes alternatively Barnes & Barnes's musichall or Mekons' anarchic punk-rock or Gong's nonsensical prog-rock, the Lemon Kittens's surreal pop, on their first album Monkey Banana Kitchen (1980). Two entertaining songs (Symbols, Monkey) and the nutty disco-music of Savoir Faire and Organ Grinder are not enough to justify a full-length though: a four-song EP would have been more than adequante.

ScHiZoPhReNiA pArTy (1981) contains the nine-minute funk-dub-rock novelty Dinosaur Sex.

All Styles (Jungle, 1983) was incredibly amateurish, bordering on ridiculous.

Pearce reformed the band that continued recording all the way into the new century: Water Shed (Dark Beloved Cloud, 2000), Classical Music (state51 Conspiracy, 2010), Variety (state51 Conspiracy, 2013), etc

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