
XTC - Super Tuff.wmv

Wasp Star was my first XTC album. I know people generally don’t regard it as the best XTC album, but it’s my favorite.
Oh, really? You came in the “out” door. It was the one that people generally don’t regard so much. It usually gets voted down. It’s usually in the bottom two. [1978’s] Go 2 and Wasp Star are the two most unloved of the children.
I’m pretty happy with it, though. I had a bit of a downer on it when we first put it out. But that was probably more into personal struggles with [guitarist] Dave [Gregory]. That maybe soured it a little bit; he left before we finished the album up. But, no, I think it’s OK. And I think there’s some good strong songs on it and it’s a good blasting, electric guitar, pop record.

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