
Black Fly

Reaching For Indigo is a cathartic album that invites us to atone for our ills and face our demons. From a moment that changed his life, Haley Fohr, the voice of Circuit des Yeaux, made us rethink ours, taking us into the depths of his singing in the abysmal cycle of a seizure. The album goes through several phases, from folk to experimental (even, perhaps, to experimental folk - whatever that may be). The disc opens with pomp and circumstance, in a ceremonial environment, with the gravity of the organ and the voice that accompanies it, and follows in an intimate and confessional tone that quickly tells us that this is going to be a troubled trip. But we endured the ups and downs, the harmonies and the dissonances, the melodies and the drones, and we left the other side more whole. Haley Fohr is, even though few know it, the best voices of this still short century, and Reaching For Indigo is one of the best things 2017 has offered us.

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