
Junior & His Soulettes - Thing, Do The Creep

Jr. and His Soulettes

Psychodelic Sounds (1971)

Black pre-teen group led by Harold Moore Jr, age 10, who is songwriter, vocalist, and guitarist for the group. His sisters Vinita Marie, age 9, plays bass and organ, Denise Marshall, age 7, plays drums, and Jacquelin Carol, age 6, plays Waw-Waw organ (!) and sings. Amazing real people funky psych with non-stop wah-wah guitar throughout and most tracks have rhythm (Waw-Waw) and lead organ. Approaches that cheesy Sunset Strip b movie exploito psych sound but this is the real thing. When they sing, this beast approaches
Shaggs' territory. Great tunes like "Momma, Love Tequila", "Waw-Waw Rock", and "Rock 'n Roll Santa". The incredible cover shows three shots of them in action including one with Jr in a failed split playing licks behind his head! Approximately 500 copies were pressed but most were destroyed from being shrink wrapped on a meat packing machine.

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