
Major Murphy - Access

2021 In between their full-length debut and, almost exactly three years later, second album Access, Grand Rapids, Michigan's Major Murphy added a fourth member (multi-instrumentalist Chad Houseman), and project leader Jacob Bullard and bandmate Jacki Warren welcomed their first child. The couple's son features heavily on some of the songs here, including singles "Real" (which involves teaching him to breathe through his nose) and the '70s FM radio-friendly "In the Meantime" (inspired by a health scare). Musically, the album adheres to the more wistful end of classic rock influences, showcasing Bullard's way with a moving melody while venturing into a more expansive, rock-oriented palette. Access was recorded in Bloomington, Indiana, with No. 1 (2018) co-producer Mike Bridavsky along with Ben Lumsdaine (Kevin Krauter, Mike Adams at His Honest Weight).

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