
Bath Drain

Active in the cassette underground, Gen Ken Montgomery has been a creator, producer, presenter, and all-around advocate of sound art ever since. His work focuses mostly on the rediscovery or recontextualization…Active in the cassette underground, Gen Ken Montgomery has been a creator, producer, presenter, and all-around advocate of sound art ever since. His work focuses mostly on the rediscovery or recontextualization of domestic sounds, sounds that surround us in our everyday life, from pets and snorers to radiators and electrical appliances. He is also known for sound installations where the audience is blindfolded, and for performances involving many pre-recorded cassettes or CDs being played back simultaneously through an array of loudspeakers. His discography consists mostly of very limited-edition albums and handmade sound objects. The label XI released a comprehensive and more widely accessible two-CD retrospective of his work in 2002 under the title Pondfloorsample.

Unlike most artists in his field, Montgomery doesn't come from art school circles (be they musical or visual). Untrained, he came to music from enthusiasm. He arrived in New York City in 1978 and soon got involved in the mail art and cassette underground scene, exchanging sound collage tapes with like-minded experimenters around the world. All the while he sang in a new wave duo with Michael Zodorzny, but his growing fascination with the works of John Cage and sound art gradually dragged him away from pop music. He self-released his first cassette in 1981, Gen Ken & Equipment. The "Gen" in his name came from a typo, as would the moniker "egnekn" which he started to use in 1994.

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