
Sleater-Kinney - Hurry On Home (live)

Sleater-Kinney’s Carrie Brownstein has likened the romantic disjointment in “Hurry on Home” to the breakdown of trust between government and citizens in our Trumpian epoch. It is, quite certainly, the horniest song of said epoch. The lead single from The Center Won’t Hold is a raw-throated howl of queer desire, shot through with angry, annihilative hunger. It is the sort of music about fucking that you make when your very right to fuck is under attack: Brownstein and bandmate Corin Tucker sing about sex as a desperate leap into disembodiment. The fevered pulse of St. Vincent’s production blurs the jagged edges of Brownstein and Tucker’s twin guitars, making for an urgent undercurrent capable of driving listeners into each other’s arms. So long as Sleater-Kinney survives, no force on earth will stand between a woman, another woman, and their primal urge to U-Haul. –Peyton Thomas

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