

-The black Jewish Homosexual Experience -Bolt Upright and the Erections -Bondage A Go Go -Bongwater -The Bourbon Tabernacle Choir -BowWowWowHaus -Bozo Porno Circus -Brady Bunch Lawnmower Massacre -Breakfast in Beirut -Brian Jonestown Massacre -Abracadaver -Adult Children of Heterosexuals -Afghanistan Banana Stand -Add N To (X) -Alcoholics Unanimous -Anal Crastration -Anal Vomit -Ass Ponys Coolie and the Sex Crimes -The Couch Slugs Corpses as Bedmates Cortizone 5 Crack and the Drug Sniffin' Dogs Piss Factory -Piss Wizards -Placenta Sandwich
-The Dead Bodyguards of Abraham Lincoln -Dead Kennedys -Dead Milkmen -Diahrrea Juice and the Pepto Kids
Afghanistan Banana Stand Alien Sex Fiend Anal Castration Anal Vomit Ancient Chinese Penis And Also The Trees ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead An Emotional Fish -Bizarr Sex Trio[sic] -Black Fag -Bolt Upright and the Erections -Bongwater -Brian Jonestown Massacre -Butthole Surfers -Candy Striper Death Orgy -Cannibal Elvis -Cap'n Crunch and the Cereal Killers -Crispy Ambulance -Dead Kennedys -Dead Milkmen -Death Cab for Cuti -Decaying Testicles -Diahrrea Juice and the Pepto Kids -Dracula Milk Toast -Dwarf Bitch -Electric Prostates -Electric Vomit -El Groupo Sexo -The Elvis Diet -Elvis Hitler
-Flatulent Chicken
-Fuckface -Fuckhead -Fuckin' Son of a Bitch -Fuck Me I'm Irish -Fuck Me, Suck Me, Call Me Helen -Fuckshitpiss
-Gay Doctors with AIDS
-Gaye Bikers on Acid
-Half Man, Half Biscuit
-Hitler's Bikini -HIV and the Positives
-Iron Prostate -I Wrote the Bible
-Jackie O Motherfucker -Jehovah's Waitresses -Jehovah's Wetness -Jehovah's Witness Protection Program
-Sheep On Drugs -69% Female -The Six Virgins -Smelly Tongues -Smilin' Hams -Testostertones -Texas Is the Reason -The Texas Nazis

-Throbbing Gristle -The Throbbing Testicles

-Trailer Park Bitch -Transexual Hitler -Vagina Boys -Vagina Dentata Organ -Vaginal Blood Farts

-Vaginal davis -Vaginal Reference -Vaginals -The Virgin Connie Swail -Virgin Prunes -Waffles Against AIDS [Vafler mot AIDS] -Wendy and Her Menstrual Cycles -Zoogz Rift and His Amazing Shitheads

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